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Most of our Northumbrian ancestors were miners and agricultural labourers and, therefore, moved around with great regularity.

Our main lines of research are:


Robert Allen was born in Ford in the 1790s.  The father of seven known children, he moved to Belford later in his life.  


The Andersons lived in Ulgham and Bedlington during the 19th Century. Before that time, they have proved difficult to trace although some ideas are being explored.


Anthony Bailey lived in Tynemouth at the turn of the 19th Century.  The father of six children, his parentage still poses some questions.  


The Bolton family lived in Cornhill in the early to mid 1700s.  So far back in time, parish registers have not provided a great deal of detail about this family.  


John Buddle farmed at Monkridge Hall in Elsdon in the late 1700s.  Descendants moved to Wallsend.  Several generations have been traced, resulting in a large number of associated names, such as Bone, Cowie, Dixon, Harkness, Hindmarsh, Leightley, Meyer, Peacock, Robson, Scott, Whaley, Wilkinson, and many more.  


No matter what the spelling, we are interested in Caisleys.  Our main line has been traced back to Rothbury in the early 1700s but we have also pursued a few lines which are not related to our family.  


Still searching for Mary who married in Carham in 1714.  This is a name with a wide variety of spelling which only serves to confuse the search.  


Little is yet known of the Cochran family who were in Belford by 1740.


It is know that the Codlings lived in Darras Hall, Ponteland, in the early 1700s.  This family is connected to the Fatkin family of the same area.


Another Rothbury family from the early 1700s.  Not surprisingly, finding evidence to prove links to an earlier generation is difficult.  


Robert Ditchburn lived in North Charlton until his death in 1732.  This surname from other parts of this county and Durham has appeared in some other projects we have completed.


Margery Dixon married in Eglingham in 1720.  On another line, there is a Mary Dixon who married in Shotley around the same time.   


From Cornhill and Donaldsons Lodge, some of  this family moved into Scotland, possibly where they originated,  and others went to Yorkshire.  We have traced these lines over many generations.  


Early ancestors who lived in Ponteland and Longbenton.


Several Fender family members lived in Newcastle, but earlier generations were from North Sunderland.  Many of the lines have been traced down to the beginning of the 20th Century from a line that began in the early 1700s.


The Finneys lived in Kyloe in the mid 1700s, later moving to Belford. This is another surname with a wide variety of spellings.  


Another Elsdon family from the 18th Century.  As most Northumbrian researchers will know it is a surname which is found across the county.  As well as those related to us, we have collected many random entries.  


This family attended one of the Presbyterian Churches in Wooler in the mid 1700s, but there are later connections to Newcastle.


The Knox family lived in Doddington in the 18th Century, but later generations moved closer to Newcastle.  Progress on this line came to a halt many years ago.


While earlier generations came from Durham, Robert settled in Wallsend, following his marriage there in 1800.  His granddaughter, Jane, proved to be one of the “characters” on our family tree.  


Our mysterious Isabella Mather had an illegitimate child in Norham in 1789.  What became of her continues to puzzle.  


The Milburns attended church in Thockrington and Great Bavington and lived at Sweethope House.  Later generations could be found on both sides of the River Tyne.  


George was born in Norham in 1808.  He moved regularly to find work but eventually settled in Pegswood.  Male members of the family generally worked in the coal mines.


The Mitchell family were in Belford and Bamburgh in the mid 18th Century.


Born between 1772 and 1776, Elizabeth could have been born anywhere, although did stated in 1841 that she was born in Northumberland.


The Oliver family was in Rothbury in the 1730s.


The earliest Pearsons found were from Widdrington, but descendants moved to Alnwick and Togston Barns and from there to mining areas around Ashington.


Unknown previous generations were reputedly from Durham, but John Percey was born in 1811 in Wallsend.  Another name with a variety of spelling, it is impossible to know which to select for this ancestral line.  At the end of the line comes Elizabeth who had only one brother.  


John Pringle was in the Belford area around 1830.  Nothing more is known of him.  


The related family came from Druridge and East Chevington but there are some others of this name who marry into the family.  


Jane’s birthplace remains a mystery, but it is known she was born about 1722.


Jane’s birth is as yet unknown.  She lived in Whittingham and it was there that she died in 1797.  Clearly, this surname may be found in may different forms.


Whatever the spelling, we’re interested in this family.  There are now Reveley families scattered throughout the world who have their roots firmly in Northumberland.  We have researched  several family who are not related to us as well as our own.  


More early 18th Century ancestors from the Ellingham and Chatton area.


Jane was born in Whittingham, reputedly around 1821.  Finding her has presented many problems, but has resulted in a database of many names and unrelated families.  


Elizabeth Smith married into the Allen family in 1815 in Ford.  So far, she has not been traced.


Thomas Tait was born in Wooperton and died in Rock. Another surname found frequently in Northumberland,  both as Tait and Tate, many unrelated families have also been explored.  


Jane Wake was born in Lesbury in 1740.


Bartholomew was born in 1729 in Shotley.  Another Walker line is that of Isabel who married in Whittingham in 1710.  The former line has been somewhat successful resulting in some lines tracing into the 20th Century.


Jane Wigham was born in 1778 in Longbenton.  Her line has been traced back only as far as her grandparents.


Mary married in Wooler in 1766.  Her place of birth is not yet certain.

Other interests:

Northumberland Hall Collingwood Dobbins Burleigh Turnbull Parker Ogle Eadington France Wilkinson

Large numbers of unrelated baptisms and burials for these surnames have been collected over many years.  Please see our website www.usmk.co.uk to check those lists if you are interested in any of the above names.