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My Dad in the RAF

The pictures which follow show life at Dum Dum and some of the men who were based there with Dad.  I can only list their names as he recorded them and know only one of them myself. If anyone can shed any light on any of these men, I would be pleased to know.  

Taff and Bill relaxing in their hut.

The American Cinema (above) and that of the RAF (below).  

Taff, Slim, Les and Ron (probably Ron Boxer)

Lofty and Paddy

Dad and Bill Wright “A good old Ashington type.”

Taff (another one!) and Bill

Dad and Harold at the station canteen. Below, Harold and Jock.

Les - and a cobra.

The view from their window.



Bill Ramage

Bill Ramage - “Supt. on duty”



Bobby Bell from Guide Post, Northumberland

Bill Ramage

Andy Hay

Andy, Jock, Ron, Bach, Harry and Bill

Chuck Elsom

Dad and Merv Feesey

Jock Garland


Harry Waind

A.F.S. Unit - Dum Dum


Dad, Cyril and Spot, the Signals mascot.

Jock Mitchell

Bill and Pete

Lofty and Oppo

Ron Hall's 21st Birthday

Dad’s 21st Birthday Party at Dum Dum. Just visible in the centre is a cake made by his future mother-in-law and sister-in-law with ingredients donated by family, friends and the shop where Dad had worked.  Amazingly, it survived the journey to India and arrived,  in almost perfect condition, in time for the celebration.  

Taken on H.M.T. Nea Hellas - En route - Blighty!

Coming home again. Writing home

Dad writing home.  Note the photo of Mum on the table.  

Ex T.A. 27 & T.A. 28 T/P Bashers

Homeward Bound

Two Geordies headed home.

Ted, Dad, Phil and Alan

Dad, Phil, Fred, Syd, Roxy, Joe and Bugs.

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